Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Has Been a Busy B Kinda Day!!

Our First Dollar!

Sample Box ( Cinnamon Roll w/ Cream Cheese Icing, Pear Apple Pie, Cinnamon Rolls with White icing)Today was a great day for The B's Knees Home Bakery!!!

Busy B Day!

I took some free sample boxes to Sedalia area businesses; AND we made our first sale!

I would just like to say that I truly appreciate the opportunity so kindly bestowed  upon me by those kindly friends of mine and their places of employment. Thanks for letting me share some yummy goodness with you!!

Looking forward to doing the sample boxes in Warsaw in a few weeks, and then the Kansas City area!!


Would also like to send a shout out to Tim for assisting me with getting things ready today to head to Sedalia, I couldn't have done it with out you! And another thank you to Mike for coming home a little early to meet the kids as they jumped off of the bus, so I could make deliveries! You guys rock!!

Thanks so much again everyone, and YAYA for The B's Knees first sale!!!

So much happiness and warm fuzzies in my tummy!


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