Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Color Me Floured!

Happy Wednesday Kindly Souls!!

Things are baking right along here at The B's Knees!! Truly appreciating all of the orders people are placing. I love baking, I love making peoples tummies happy! I love providing warm fuzzies for your face!  And, I love.. when the sun comes up from a finished night of baking, taking off my glasses and finding them flour covered, then peering down at my coffee themed apron.. and finding it flour covered too! Its quite gratifying. So keep those orders coming and keep me flour covered!

I've added a few new menu items! Blackberry Pie, Blueberry Pie, and Blueberry muffins! So take your precious eyeballs... and check those out over in the menu section!

And remember, absolutely everything baked in my kitchen.. is made with fresh ingredients. I don't use frozen anything in my baking. If you're getting blueberry muffins.. those blueberries are fresh! That pie and cinnamon roll dough, wrapped around those fresh ingredients, was made with in 24 hours of you receiving it, and has never seen the pesky light from the bulb of a freezer!!

I'd also like to give a quick shout out to the wondrous Williams-Woody Nissan Dealership in Sedalia, Mo for their recurring cinnamon roll orders! Thank you so much!!  And Thank you B-rye!

I hope everyone has a most resplendent day!! So many hugs, and so many thanks.. and so much appreciation!!

The B's Knees


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