Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Color Me Floured!

Happy Wednesday Kindly Souls!!

Things are baking right along here at The B's Knees!! Truly appreciating all of the orders people are placing. I love baking, I love making peoples tummies happy! I love providing warm fuzzies for your face!  And, I love.. when the sun comes up from a finished night of baking, taking off my glasses and finding them flour covered, then peering down at my coffee themed apron.. and finding it flour covered too! Its quite gratifying. So keep those orders coming and keep me flour covered!

I've added a few new menu items! Blackberry Pie, Blueberry Pie, and Blueberry muffins! So take your precious eyeballs... and check those out over in the menu section!

And remember, absolutely everything baked in my kitchen.. is made with fresh ingredients. I don't use frozen anything in my baking. If you're getting blueberry muffins.. those blueberries are fresh! That pie and cinnamon roll dough, wrapped around those fresh ingredients, was made with in 24 hours of you receiving it, and has never seen the pesky light from the bulb of a freezer!!

I'd also like to give a quick shout out to the wondrous Williams-Woody Nissan Dealership in Sedalia, Mo for their recurring cinnamon roll orders! Thank you so much!!  And Thank you B-rye!

I hope everyone has a most resplendent day!! So many hugs, and so many thanks.. and so much appreciation!!

The B's Knees


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Apply a Fowl To IT! (late night thoughts of a baker's mind)

First of all, Bakery News: Had a great day delivering goodies to kindly souls yesterday! I delivered 3 pies, and 2 dozen cinnamon rolls, and I can't tell you the kind remarks I received, how much they are appreciated, as well as how much I appreciate the business! If my appreciation could be expressed in a pie chart, the color bright orange symbolizing my appreciation, well that pie chart would look like a giant orange. 

Thanks to all of you, who are assisting me in realizing, what I had thought.. no more than a pipe dream at best! It brings into a more realistic light, that I may one day have that little hole in the wall bakery, where you can pick up a yummy locally roasted drip coffee, a cinnamon roll or piece o pie, and hang out with your friends or family, collecting warm fuzzies for your head movies!

2ndly, I'll be working on some cakes to add to the menu. I do not do decorative cakes, but I make a mean apple spice cake, that if paired with a nice dark roasted coffee... makes your mouth jump for joy, well, at least my mouth jump for joy! I'll also be adding a carrot cake, for your nomming pleasure!

For any of you Portlandia fans out there.. I had an epiphany of a recipe per say.. the other night. If you remember the episode in Women and Women first, when they are discussing the breakfast scones as tasting like sand, and of course the infamous Put a Bird on It?

I want to make some kind of tan colored scone, lets say a butterscotch scone.. with raw sugar on top (the sand) then I would like to take a bird stencil, and use spray paint icing,  and spray paint a bird on said sandy colored scone.. there by creating the Portland Scone (Apply a Fowl to It). I wonder how much copy right infringement issues I'd come across. 

Thanks again to everyone, if you're reading this, thank you for taking the time out of your day to do so!


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Busy B is Baking Bunches!

As I eagerly peer at my B's Knees shelves full of wondrous ingredients (apples, pears, flour, bakery pans, etc) I can't wait until this afternoon to get my baking on for my Friday orders!!

In other news, I shall be adding several pies to the menu this weekend, so keep an eye out for that! Blackberry, blueberry, cherry, etc!

The moment I do, I am sure to make an annoyingly big deal about it!! Any fruit pie suggestions you would like to see on the menu would be grand!!

I will also be adding a few cakes as well, I'm working out the pricing.

Sadly, any cream pies, cheesecakes, etc I can NOT do, as I do not work out of a certified kitchen! But, perhaps this time next year..The B's Knees will be located in its very own little coffee shop/ cafe and at that point I can bake anything and everything my heart, or YOUR heart desires!!!

May all of you lovely souls have a most resplendent Thursday! Friday is coming!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Has Been a Busy B Kinda Day!!

Our First Dollar!

Sample Box ( Cinnamon Roll w/ Cream Cheese Icing, Pear Apple Pie, Cinnamon Rolls with White icing)Today was a great day for The B's Knees Home Bakery!!!

Busy B Day!

I took some free sample boxes to Sedalia area businesses; AND we made our first sale!

I would just like to say that I truly appreciate the opportunity so kindly bestowed  upon me by those kindly friends of mine and their places of employment. Thanks for letting me share some yummy goodness with you!!

Looking forward to doing the sample boxes in Warsaw in a few weeks, and then the Kansas City area!!


Would also like to send a shout out to Tim for assisting me with getting things ready today to head to Sedalia, I couldn't have done it with out you! And another thank you to Mike for coming home a little early to meet the kids as they jumped off of the bus, so I could make deliveries! You guys rock!!

Thanks so much again everyone, and YAYA for The B's Knees first sale!!!

So much happiness and warm fuzzies in my tummy!


Friday, January 4, 2013

The B's Knees Home Bakery is proud to announce that we are now taking orders!!! Please check out the menu and pricing pages and give us a ring or shoot us an email if you are interested in purchasing something!!

ALSO..ATTN SEDALIA MO BUSINESSES!! Tuesday January 8th, 2013 I will be in town handing out Free Sample Boxes! If your business would be interested in one please let me know!!

Thanks so much!!

Phone 660-596-8481